
LocalDirective Steers More Local Business To You, And Keeps You In The Driver’s Seat.
The process we use to drive business to you is straight-forward, even though the LocalDirective solution is customized for your company. You have unique characteristics that motivate customers to buy, you have a certain set of competitors, and you serve a limited geography. So our proprietary tools, knowledge and expertise are applied to the individual needs of your business.

LocalDirective’s Solution Is A Complete Solution. Just having a website will not bring you new customers. Just driving business to your existing website (if you have one) will not convert more shoppers into buyers. That is why LocalDirective provides a complete solution. We have one goal: bring you more new business, and we address all online elements necessary to deliver that result to you.
LocalDirective Follows Proven Steps To Success:
#1: A local prospective customer searches online for your product/service, your name, or your competitor’s name.
Potential Complications: With millions of consumers searching and hundreds of search engines and local portals vying for your prospect’s attention, where should your ads be placed? LocalDirective Advantages: We make sure you are where over 99% of consumers search, with specialized placement for your business type and geography.

#2: Search results display LocalDirective’s custom-developed advertisement for your business.
Potential Complications: Once you are where your prospective customer is looking, how do you attract attention over all their other options?
LocalDirective Advantages: Online advertising specialists use the specific information we learn about your products and services and apply our expertise to craft compelling advertisements.

#3: Your prospect clicks on the link in your ad and is automatically transported to a custom-designed, high converting landing page or mini-website.
Potential Complications: Consumers want answers right now, and will give your advertisement about eight seconds to communicate that you have what they need…will your ad pack enough punch?
LocalDirective Advantages: Our ‘post-click’ ad design expertise ensures that the products and services searched for have emphasis, motivating prospective customers to stay on your page and take action.

#4: Your prospect is inspired and motivated to take action to reach you.
Potential Complications: What each consumer is looking for is different, so how do you meet each person’s needs so they are motivated to act? And how do you do this without putting so much information that they become confused and abandon your site?
LocalDirective Advantages: Our landing pages / websites are clear and focused, but they also have multiple ‘calls to action,’ so prospects come to your store, call you, email you, and more. What’s more, our automated tools track everything, so we can analyze results to constantly improve the quantity and quality of your program.

#5: A purchase is made and a new customer is won.
Potential Complications: Online advertising has the potential to be the lowest-cost-per-lead advertising possible, if it is done right.
LocalDirective Advantages: We do it right, and are certified by the major search engines and online associations, such as Google, Yahoo, MSN and more. Further, we never say, ‘trust us.’ Instead, we track the results so you can see your return on investment yourself.

#6: You want more customers just like that one!
Potential Complications: Unless you track and evaluate results, then analyze what is learned, getting more of the same is hit-or-miss.
LocalDirective Advantages: Our expertise comes from continually examining the results generated from very powerful analytical technology tools, a core skill of LocalDirective.

LocalDirective is the next best thing to having your own, in-house marketing agency. We customize each step of the process to meet the unique needs of your business…and we report results, so you stay in the driver’s seat.