
Today banks are struggling to ensure that all its channel partners gets DNC compliant which otherwise in case of any default leads to huge penalties levied by regulatory authorities which also in past have let to lot’s of DSA license cancellation leading to huge business loss and customer dis-satisfaction.

Saarebank.in Solution :

At Saarebank.in we have been able to totally address the issue of DNC, as all the clients who are visiting our site are applying with their own consent and signing our disclaimer thereby authorising Saarebank.in to communicate/email. them at any point of time.

3) Business Solution:

As our motto says “Be your Own Banker” which clearly defines our existence, we are here to empower a customer an un-biased platform for both salaried and self -employed individual/company where they can visit out application ,check one’s financial eligibility ,compare with multiple banks and apply online with zero cost , we have been growing @ 200% on our traffic on our website on monthly basis.