
Epic Collectors is an alternative to eBay dedicated to non-sport trading cards, gaming cards, sci-fi/fantasy action figures, books, comics, and memorabilia. Current eBay users are encouraged to continue using eBay for items that sell quickly, but using Epic Collectors to list entire inventories will avoid the fees that accumulate for those harder-to-sell Magic the Gathering cards, Star Trek trading cards, Star Wars action figures or any other sci-fi/fantasy collectibles. There are no fees, just one small subscription rate (PayPal fees still apply, however).

With a store subscription, users get a customizable web store with a unique web address that can be shared with other collectors and customers. There are easy-to-use inventory management tools, including an importer to upload inventories directly from spreadsheets and an exporter to download listings into a neat, readable file. Epic Collectors protects users by encrypting sensitive traffic and processing all financial transactions through Paypal.