
What if global brands were required to give a portion of their sales to charities? Like, all the time…? And what if those brands did it year round – all the time? Not for a media blitz, not for a month or months specified for that one cause – but All. The. Time.

What we do:
Offer quality products we like (and sometimes need) to a larger audience.
Sales of those products help charities and programs in need. Charities geared towards women, children and the LGBT community.

Why do we do it?
We believe that everyone should be safe walking down their street – anywhere in the world – and not be harassed, accosted, heckled or abused (physically or mentally).
We believe it is your right to stand up for what you believe.
We believe people shouldn’t be labeled by another’s perception of them.
We believe that equality for mankind was a typo which needs to be corrected to: Equality for Humankind.

We believe we are a small part of the larger universal family – and we want to do our part (with your help) to assist the greater global good.