
A "Zook" is an authentic communication, a mild oath; meaning an honest word, something qualified with integrity that is shared from the heart, as opposed to a sales gimmick, deception, or lie.

Get Zooks means get honest, get real!

GetZooks was designed to empower a social economy where people share their knowledge of products they really use and honestly appreciate with people who are seeking those goods or services. In today's Internet empowered Global Village that means sharing information in social networks.

To commercialize social networks without the network loosing meaning requires something different, it requires the sharing of valuable honest information, this in contrast to selling, spamming, or advertising. In the past marketers were forced to sell a specific "product" of a company, usually health products or water filters, and that was all they could sell to earn money. That problem is solved, GetZooks allows each individual to share honestly any and every item they choose, including real items they use personally and have knowledge of.

The word "sell" to many people now means to spam, coerce, or push them into making a purchase of things they may not even need or want. This sales approach is ineffective in the digital landscape. What does work is honest communication, sharing amongst people of things they use and recommend, things they share through "word-of-mouth" for free already; books, films, holidays, gifts, flowers, you name it. This is the purpose of GetZooks, allow people to earn for sharing things they already share for free, no sales gimmicks needed.

So, when you "Zook" someone you're sharing honestly without pretense, you provide a link where interested parties can go get more information or look into a product offering if they choose, there is no sales deception. If they like what they see, they buy it, and the referrer is paid, everyone wins. So get real, get Zooked!

* A Zook is also the name of a virtual credit based currency envisioned for release to GetZooks Members at the end of 2009. Earnings of Club Members are currently paid to their debit cards, and use-able to cover the monthly $29.95 Club fee. At some point in the future an alternative for spending Club earnings between Members directly via the back office will require a common Club currency since GetZooks has Members from many countries around the globe. When the Members trading center opens the common medium of exchange (currency) is to be called a Zook.