
From her base in the heart of West Yorkshire, Gina helps people all over the globe to achieve a healthy mind, body and spirit through simple, down-to-earth advice.

Gina works with people who want to receive the ultimate energy and health boost.

Incorporating the 5 core areas that transformed Gina's life, she will lead you to great health, happiness and optimum performance.

Gina takes you through food and healthy eating, keeping active, reducing stress, achieving work-life balance and how to live in spirit (not ego).

See how these 5 areas take you to the next level!

As well as finding success through speaking on an international stage and writing on nutrition and wellbeing, Gina runs health retreats, workshops, a Health Academy and Cooking School.

Today, Gina has established herself as a force to be reckoned with in the sphere of food, health and wellbeing.

•     To find out how to Tame your Monster and to receive your free 26 page guide on how to do this, sign up to receive updates from Gina here: www.healthbygina.com