
The new lines will be placed underground on the Eastern side of Island Road (outside of the residential areas of Silverstream Estate) and terminate on a property on the corner of Island Road and Adderley Terrace.

HEB Construction has commenced civil works and Island Road is closed to allow excavation of the cable trenches, the placement of conduits in the ground and the backfilling of the trench.

The contract for the supply and installation of the cable has been awarded to Nexans Olex and the electrical contract for cable pulling will be undertaken by Connetics on their behalf.

Monopoles for the termination of the new underground cables have been ordered with Petejean. Foundations will be constructed shortly to allow installation in May replacing the existing tower on the other property.

Cables will be pulled through the conduits and then connected to the monopoles and the sub station.

Transfield has been awarded the contract for communications, protections and control system works, high voltage and sub station works at Kaiapoi and Southbrook substations as well as the demolition of the existing line.

There will not be be any poles or any visibility of the lines down Island Road or in Silverstream. The poles will be located on another property across the road.
All electrical modifications and work will then be completed and tested.

On completion of these works, the new lines will be livened and the old overhead lines and towers will be removed.