
Trained in hypnotherapy at the Proudfoot School of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy in Scarborough, Maureen is listed.  is listed on the Hypnotherapist Register. As a member of the UK Guild of Hypnotist Examiners, a Member of the British Counselling Association and a Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming she is skilled in her field. Maureen is also a Stress Management Consultant and is registered with the NHS and BUPA.

Fortunately the old myths, rumours and speculations about hypnosis are on their way out as clinical hypnosis (referred to as as hypnotherapy) grows in popularity and is fast becoming one of the most successful devices for the treatment of many psychological conditions.

Hypnosis can be thought of as an altered state of awareness, achieved through a perfectly natural state of deep relaxation, which can allow access to the subconcious mind.