
INDIA CSR (www.indiacsr.in) is India's first interactive portal dedicated to making significant contributions through adding new dimensions and perspectives to the domain of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability, which is emerging globally as one of the hottest contemporary issues.

CSR in India has added new paradigms in the light of changing government, regulatory environment, peer pressure, compulsion felt as a result of globalization and the quest for global corporate hegemony. In India, CSR still has a long way to go.

www.indiacsr.in is working on acting as a path between the present and the envisioned future. INDIA CSR is building an information network consisting of a website, e-newsletter and a magazine. It is a communication and informative platform on corporate social responsibility and sustainable business.
Our mission is to support practitioners and organizations in building responsible and sustainable business in India and in this way to contribute to sustainable development of societies at large.

We implement our mission through the provision of information, knowledge, tools and by building a community of people and organizations focused on CSR.

We are an organization, which activity includes four areas:
     Portal www.indiacsr.in
    * Workshops
    * Projects promoting CSR and sustainable business through Public
    * Relations
    * Research

We address our actions to business, and also to representatives of civil organizations, governments, academia and journalists.