
Insider Threat Defense provides a comprehensive Insider Threat Program
Training Course (Instructor Led, Web Based).

The Insider Threat Program Training Course is designed for U.S. Government, Department of Defense, Intelligence Community Agencies, Defense Industrial Base Contractors and large and small businesses.

The Insider Threat Program Training Course was developed in accordance with Executive Order (EO) 13587, National Insider Threat Policy and other
supporting regulations. The Insider Threat Program Training Course will meet and exceed the National Insider Threat Policy requirements for establishing an Insider Threat Program and providing Insider Threat  Awareness Training-Reporting Guidance.

The Insider Threat Program Training Course provides comprehensive and  structured training for individuals responsible for protecting classified information, and businesses protecting intellectual property, trade secrets and
sensitive information.

Upon the successful passing of the Insider Threat Program Training Course Final Exam, students will receive an Insider Threat Security Specialist Certificate. The Insider Threat Security Specialist Certificate will provide confidence to employers that the Insider Threat Security Specialist; 1) Understands the minimum standards and guidance for implementation of an Insider Threat Program. 2) Can effectively communicate with the many individuals that manage and support and Insider Threat Program. 3) Can assess an existing Insider Threat Program for weaknesses and make enhancements. 4) Can identify Insider Threat risks, vulnerabilities and weaknesses within an organization, and provide actionable risk mitigation strategies to detect, deter and mitigate Insider Threats.5) Develop and implement an Insider Threat Awareness and Reporting Program.

Additionally proposed changes are coming to the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) that will require Defense Industrial Base Contractors to have Insider Threat Programs. Insider Threat Defense and Tanager will provide assistance to Defense Industrial Base Contractors in the areas of; Insider Threat Program Training, Insider Threat Risk Management Briefings, Insider Threat Risk Mitigation Services, Insider Threat Auditing And Monitoring Solutions and Insider Threat Program Management Services.

The Insider Threat Program Training Course has recently been taught to personnel supporting U.S. Government and DoD Agencies.