
Property Damage Insurance Claim Delayed, Denied or Underpaid?

Insurance Claim Recovery Support LLC (ICRS) is a leading public insurance adjusting firm who specializes in settling insurance claims solely on the behalf the insured policyholder (property owners, managers and lenders) NOT the insurance company on property damaged by fire, hail, wind loss, pipe bursts, hurricanes, tornadoes, flood, collapse, vandalism, business interruption and other property disasters.

ICRS is a claim advocate who exclusively represents the interests of the policyholder (not the insurance company) in appraising and negotiating an insurance claim. Public Adjusters can legally represent the rights of an insured during an insurance claim process. Their main responsibilities include visiting the site of the loss to analyze the damages, making sure the loss is documented, prepare damage estimates, review your insurance policy for coverage, determine current replacement costs, determine values for settling covered damages, evaluate business interruption losses, determine building code upgrades, interpret policy, negotiate a settlement with the insurance company of behalf of the insured, handle paperwork required by the insurance company and re-open a claim and negotiate for higher settlement if a discrepancy is found after a claim has been settled.