
Our Mission

The International Montessori School (IMS) is a non-profit educational organization that promotes bilingualism at all ages, with particular  emphasis on early childhood. The International Montessori School’s mission is to improve communication across cultural boundaries within our immediate community and the world at large.

Our Vision

Our vision includes being both a Language Community Center maintaining their own linguistic heritage and a Language Immersion Montessori School for native and non-native speakers of French and Spanish. The International Montessori School perceives its project as part of Peace Education as we work to maintain social justice, improved respect of other cultures and better communication among multiple ethnic groups.

The International Montessori School recognizes that language immersion education ensures bilingualism. Language immersion in the early school years education promises a native accent, a high level of proficiency, a heightened awareness of languages, including one’s native tongue and an authentic sensitivity to other cultures.  Though acquiring a second language has numerous academic benefits, The International Montessori School believes that the most beneficial reason to be bilingual is to promote cultural exchanges, respect and communication with people of all ages.