
International Real Estate Listings.com is the world wide leader in international real estate. Creating an account takes less than 30 seconds, uploading an unlimited number of property listings, including an unlimited number of pictures, writing as much descriptive detail, including a property You Tube video, and having it placed as a Basic Listing for 6 months, is completely free.

Real estate owners, real estate agents, and real estate developers are all welcome and encouraged to get started today.

Get your FREE 20 page report on how to rent, sell, and exchange international real estate fast and for top dollar, including dozens of current client success stories here: http://www.InternationalSellFree.com.  


Client Success Stories

"I bought a few apartments in Panama City, Panama during the boom in 2004 and 2005 in pre construction.  I had a hard time selling these through other self list sites and real estate agents.  I created an account on your site, uploaded my listings, and had potential buyers emailing me almost immediately.  Your site is the real deal."  

Bob Thomas

Panama City, Panama


"We had a beach home in Costa Rica that we bought in the early 80´s, and really wanted to sell it and move back to the States.  The real estate market in Costa Rica has really slowed the last several years and didnt think we could sell it.  Boy, were we wrong!  Within 74 days of placing it on your site, we found a buyer (who actually had cash) and were drawing up the paperwork with our lawyers.  We owe it all to you.  Pura Vida."  

The Wedells

Limon, Costa Rica


"I bought a house in Merida, Mexico recently to retire...but wasnt ready to retire!  With how my stocks have been doing lately, I really needed to start generating rental income to help offset some of these costs.  So, I placed my Mexico house for rent on your site.  Creating an account was easy, uploading my property was easy, uploading my 21 pictures was easy, I could write as much detail as I wanted about my property (who knows it as well as me:), and I even could include a You Tube property video!  What an easy to use site.  I cant wait to see the results.  As compared to those other self list sites...you are the man!"

Tommy Lars

Merida, Mexico
