
Our train­ing pro­grams are based on our well estab­lished expe­ri­ence in the IT indus­try, with an exten­sive base of knowl­edge and rec­og­nized cer­ti­fi­ca­tions with our staff. We also pro­vide high qual­ify Microsoft train­ing for MCSE, MCP, MCTS and Microsoft Cer­ti­fied IT Pro­fes­sional or MCITP.

Unlike other com­pa­nies who rely on visual pre­sen­ta­tions or lec­ture meth­ods to do their Microsoft train­ing, we believe that hands-on expe­ri­ence is the best way to learn and under­stand. This allows our stu­dents to avoid any con­fus­ing or con­tra­dic­tory teach­ing that may arise in class and could hurt their efforts to pass the qual­i­fi­ca­tion exams.

Our labs are designed to empha­size the hands-on train­ing meth­ods and our stu­dents learn faster and retain more knowl­edge which not only helps with pass­ing the exams, but in the real world as well when they must work on IT systems.

We also pro­vide a ser­vice known as the Live Lab expe­ri­ence where our stu­dents can train any time of the day or night from their homes. Many of our stu­dents have ben­e­fited from this type of learn­ing tech­nique, which allows them to under­stand bet­ter the dif­fer­ent meth­ods and tools avail­able, so they can be more effec­tive once they pass their qual­i­fi­ca­tion exams.

And IT Bolts can do all this type of train­ing for a low, com­pet­i­tive price that includes a 100% pass­ing guar­an­tee. We are that con­fi­dent that any will­ing stu­dent can learn through our proven train­ing meth­ods the knowl­edge they need to pass the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion exams for MCSE, MCP, MCTS, MCITP and more.

And once you pass, you will join a great fra­ter­nity of mem­bers whose knowl­edge, skills, and cer­ti­fi­ca­tions will greatly expand your employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties. Many com­pa­nies are look­ing for Microsoft cer­ti­fied engi­neers to assist their busi­nesses and you have now broad­ened your appeal and def­i­nitely raised your salary thanks to becom­ing certified.

IT Bolts proudly offers the best, most effec­tive Microsoft train­ing tech­niques as well as prov­ing high qual­ity ser­vice to our cus­tomer base. Our track record of suc­cess, empha­sis on ser­vice, and solid, hands-on train­ing tech­niques have made IT Bolts the com­pany to look for when you need IT ser­vice at a low, afford­able rate. Call us today and let us serve your IT needs and do so quickly, effi­ciently, and get the best results for you.