
At the not so tender age of eight, when I should have been immersing myself in the pleasure of learning what nine times something -supply your own number, they are all hard - I was busy hunched over a desk -with its own personal cubby hole because elementary school rocked - writing a story about a child who gets a surprise visit from a house eating robot.

It was also a story, that once discovered by my wonderful teacher forced me to read in front of everybody. That day thwarted my dreams of being a radio DJ or anything where I had to speak in front of people at length but it defined a truth within me - I love to write.

My love for writing only grew from that point and it was ugly. Plot bunnies, little green ones with bucked teeth and wild eyes, attacked me at all times of the day and were relentless at night. It was an army of them, all equipped with fictional characters, situations that could not subsist in the realm of reality, and worlds that existed solely with the power of my fourth cup of coffee.

These plot bunnies -who get prettier every year - and I have called an armistice. We try to cultivate together rather than them trying to rip ideas out through my pores. It's quite amicable and it only took twenty two years.

My name is Jade Brieanne. I am thirty years old with the wild imagination of a sugar addled twelve year old. I am from Fayetteville, North Carolina and I am the eldest daughter of four.

And I'm a writer.