
Founded in 2003, Keller College Services has worked with hundreds of families solving the ever-challenging problem of finding the right college fit for students that are also a good fit for the family financially.

Based in Columbia, Maryland, Keller College Services and it's founder, Jeanmarie Keller, help clients find colleges that fit academically, socially AND financially.  Clients are giving their children the college educations they need and deserve without wiping out their savings, doing “without” or sacrificing their retirements to pay for their student’s college education.  They aren't overpaying for that essential cornerstone of their child's future success -- a college education.

The Get NOTICED, Get IN, Get MONEY College System is a direct result of working with hundreds of clients, and now all of Keller College Services' programs are based on this three-phase, seven step system.  Following the principles of this system, Keller College Services' clients save an average of $15,574 per year on their college expenses.