
KickboxingAtHome.com is a website detailing a revolutionary concept for a home workout system.  It is a complete exercise system designed to keep a person healthy, fit, and strong for a lifetime while preventing burnout, overtraining, injury, and boredom.  The system is the first of its kind that offers the variety of 12 complete workout programs all contained in one system.  It is appropriate for all levels of participants: beginners, intermediate, and advanced.  Its only requirement is that the trainee must have a heavy bag available to use.  The website associated with the product goes over minute detail on the program and is full of valuable content pertaining to the System and has articles related to exercise and fitness.  The entire System has been so carefully and painstakingly thought out that no program exists like it anywhere.  The average person now has access to a complete home workout System that will give them flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular fitness all within a 45-minute workout that is performed 3 times per week.