
For multiple decades, Knowledge Institute has been specializing in entrepreneurial education, development and marketing communications as a think tank and consulting firm working with government, public and private sector organizations to drive small business startup, growth and business-to-business (B2B) transactions. Products, services and philanthropic activities include entrepreneurial education writing, editing and certificate training programs; on-line learning and mentoring platforms; marketing communication strategies, public relations and the creation and sponsoring of public/private B2B resource and referral communities.

Recognized as small business development experts by the U.S Small Business Administration (SBA), government agencies, Fortune 500 companies and other economic development leaders, Institute initiatives serve millions of entrepreneurs on a monthly basis through on and off-line trusted small and medium-sized business (SMB) influence-leader networks. Knowledge Institute is the first to aggregate, translate and publish the myriad free and low-cost government and public agency business assistance programs resulting in improved awareness, access and use among SMBs. Visit the award-winning Business Utility Zone Gateway (www.BUZGate.org) to access these programs, as well as entrepreneurial educational programming and content across all 50 United States, Puerto Rico and Washington, DC.

Internationally, the Knowledge Institute is collaborating with IBM and The World Bank as expert spokespersons, educators and content providers to support entrepreneurship among women and minority populations in over 30 countries. In areas of Nigeria and Guiana, the Institute is pioneering innovative web-based entrepreneurial mentoring and certificate education programs, as well as a virtual business incubator by working with the African Entrepreneurial Empowerment Institute (AEEI).

Knowledge Institute has received multiple awards including Entrepreneur of the Year, Above and Beyond in Leadership, Small Business Advocacy, Innovation and Excellence in Business Services, Economic Development Impact, Internet Design, Woman in Business Champion and Media Communications Champion. As distinguished entrepreneurial authorities, Knowledge Institute staff lecture at universities, trade events, serve on government and nonprofit economic development committees, and advocate for small business globally working with Congress, the U.S. Small Business Administration, U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Secretary of State, U.S. Department of Labor and other governmental agencies to provide advice and counsel on issues related to entrepreneurial development, education and policy.

Knowledge Institute believes strongly that entrepreneurship is a driving force behind individual and collective social, economic and community vitality. Through innovation, collaboration and communication, Knowledge Institute is building a stronger business foundation, increasing commercial transactions, creating new jobs and driving shared economic prosperity.