
HOW IT WORKS: The RoadAlert App  sends a wireless signal from your smartphone or mobile device to our collision avoidence traffic control system in key intervals using GPS.

NOTE: Your mobile device/SmartPhone must be online and able to communicate using mobile data as a method to allow the functionality to remain both active and alert.

Our system will automatically notify you of  the coordinates of any nearby motorcycles back to your mobile device. Motorcycle position identifyer alerts must be signaled by a smartphone or licensed RoadAlertApp mechanism.

IWhen a motorcycle is within a certain proximity, The System running your smartphone device based APPLICATION delivers a unique sound and alerts the driver of its presence. In offensive as well as defensive driving strategy the awareness of a potential danger is the TRUE factor in statistically improving the probability of accident  avoidence.

In simple terms.. your phone is on, the application is active, a moticycle is nearby and you hear a beep or voice letting you know of its presence.

This saves lives and helps keep driving safer as well as anxiety free for both car and motorcycle drivers alike.