
We offer a weekday childcare program for ages Birth to 12 years of age. Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 7:30am until 6:00pm.

All of our programs operate in the summer months as well, including our schoolagers.

Infant/Toddler Classrooms:
Our infant and toddler programs use Creative Curriculum and give care based upon each child's development stage and interests. Our curriculum is geared toward physical, social, and emotional stages.

Toddlers and Twos:
Our program is designed to celebrate the learning and development of our children. We work on helping our kids gain verbal skills and develop both fine and gross motor skills.

Preschoolers (Kindergarten Prep) Classrooms:
We welcome and and celebrate the unique giftedness of each child. We aim to prepare each child for Kindergarten by focusing on social-emotional behaviors as well as academics. Our children learn the kindergarten sight words, counting, pre-handwriting skills, and many other skills to help them excel in the Kindergarten environment.

Afterschool Program (Schoolagers, age 5 to 12 years)
We provide care on a daily basis from 3:00pm until 6:00pm, teacher workdays, early dismissals, spring break, and snowdays.

Our children participate in snack, homework time, freeplay, and outdoor play. We also do a daily devotional.