
Masjid application has two sides to it: It works both as a mobile as well as a web application.

The desktop application provides a simple, web-based control panel for the masjid management from where they can update information as well as send notifications to the masjid members. The mobile version is for public use: every member of a masjid, on downloading and installing the application on his/her mobile, is given access to a private user menu, where he/she can scroll through the regional prayer times and documents as well as remain updated on the latest news and happenings inside the mosque.

This multi-purpose application allows different masjids to be added to a single-user interface, which means that a single management team can control the flow of information to members of different mosques. Each mosque is operated via its unique control panel. Azaan and prayer times are regularly updated for the users and notifications sent for each prayer. The Masjid management also regulates the flow of news, resources and events to the public through push notifications. The gallery is adorned with pictures of the events held at the mosque. The administration of the mosque is also privileged to create private user groups. This creates room for personalized messaging and greater privacy.

Mosques offers more than just a place for prayers; they provide ground for imparting religious education such as at a Sunday school, extending out medical facilities and legal advice to the needy public and conducting various ceremonies. The application divides different services and announcements into different channels. By switching the channels on and off, the users can select topics of their choice and interest and receive only news that is relevant to them.

The application also provides the users an opportunity to donate for community welfare. The donations are directly transferred from your mobile phone to the Masjid.