
Matter Deep was originally conceived by the Strickland family as an outlet for publishing fine art books. The concept quickly evolved to include graphic novels and traditional prose fiction.

Matter Deep is an LLC owned and run by three branches of the Strickland family based in the Greater Birmingham Metropolitan area.

Printed Material:

Matter Deep uses Amazon’s Create Space service to produce and distribute its printed media products. Through Create Space print on demand, Matter Deep is able to eliminate most overhead costs and reduce the risks of keeping a stock of printed product.

Matter Deep prints novels, graphic novels, art books, as well as  other textually-based medias, all available through Matter Deep and Amazon online stores.

Digital Distribution:

It is the goal of Matter Deep to conserve tangible resources by making any printed media available in digital format. All-text, black and white materials can be purchased for Kindle, and Nook and materials requiring full color and illustrations can be purchased on the Nook.

In support of the eBook movement and what it means for small publishers and conservation, Matter Deep publishes gives priority to eBook editions when selecting publication dates for its works.

Alongside digital companions to printed media, Matter Deep publishes short fiction exclusively as eLiterature.