
Mellora is a Norwegian company founded in 2012 by Trond Hansen. Mr Hansen has 17 years experience as both a Quality System Manager, Lead Auditor and Senior HSEQ Advisor.He is an internationally accredited Quality Manager and Quality Auditor and has got EOQ-certifications within both areas. In the past he has worked 12 years as the HSEQ-Manager in Norway's biggest supplier of gaskets to the oil and gas industry in Norway. At the present, Mr Hansen is a Senior HSEQ Advisor and work with companies in many different segments.

Mellora shall improve our clients HSEQ-reporting processes. We shall provide an innovative and easy to use HSEQ-app which increases the likelihood for systematic HSEQ-reporting from any organisation's employees. The HSEQ-app from Mellora shall be available for smartphone-users wherever they are located and in a language they can understand.