
My name is Barbara Tapella and I LOVE all animals.

Caring for animals is my great passion.   I will go to great lengths to help animals and their people as well as educate public with regard to the humane treatment.  Having been a preschool teacher for many years, teaching respect and kindness to all living things needs to start with the very young.

Pets touch my heart deeply.   I like to give them a voice and I respect them with great dignity.   My hope is that many more people will do the same this year and for years to come.   I want you all to have knowledge about them so they can “seen” and feel respected, heard, and treated well.   An animal deserves to be treated with the kindness you hold for yourself.  I have seen animal’s behavior misinterpreted, witnessed abuse and abandonment and I have tried to intervene in those painful situations.  Education is power, right?

My site offers you valuable information and unique products for your beloved pets.  I enjoy connecting people and animals for various reasons. Building community and networking have always been a top priority.  The value of the internet has proved itself to ripple through communities at rapid speeds.   I have witnessed animal networking happen in just moments.   Like when an animal is lost or found or needing a placement.    It is like magic.

I want to condense quality information for pet owners and animal lovers – from food and supplements, to items you can personalize for your pets, to healing touch techniques,  to advertising if a pet needs a home,  if you are looking for a pet friendly hotel, teaching a child how to deal with a new pet, dealing with the aging pet, etc, etc.

I help people rescue pets, connecting people with animals and right situations.   I teach families how important a “forever” home is and provide information about all sorts of pet-friendly products.  Go to my STORE tab and see the Life’s Abundance food products for pets. There is a link provided for you to order high quality food, supplements, treats, etc.

The valuable information I provide includes incredible supplements to add to the foundation of your Pet’s health and also specialized supplements for arthritis in spines, hips and legs.  I also offer advice and links to quality food and where to order personalized items for your adored pet. I also offer tools to help you deal with your aging pets and information as to how their needs can be best met. This stage of life is quite different from them being in puppy-hood or a teen cat.   I have dealt with a lot of loss in my life, through deaths and other emotionally challenging situations.  My  formal education in Psychology, Art Therapy and being a Massage Therapist for over 26 years has given me compassion in helping one deal with the “last stages of life” with your pet.

One of the programs I have developed is a simple PET EMERGENCY PLAN for your family and how to develop one in your neighborhood. You can reach out to your neighbors and develop a plan; this creates an awesome community.

When there is an emergency and/or crisis, special consideration for your pets is ‘a must’.   Would it be helpful for you to know that your Pets are taken care of if there is an earthquake and you are unable to get home?   Think about it: Like if there is an emergency/disaster and you can’t return home wouldn’t you feel better if you had a plan in place to feed and care for your pets? My PET EMERGENCY PLAN addresses these issues.  

Go to my Contact Page on my website page so we can connect.  I will have video blogs, written blogs, forums, webinars, etc-to share with you. I love to meet other animal lovers, of all ages.  Feel free to read my blog.   Please subscribe to my RSS feed.

With Gratitude, Barbara