
OzImages is a photographer-edited stock library which enables us to offer a different selection to most. While other stock libraries' collections often reflect the tastes and interests of a small handful of editors, OzImages peer-assessed content offers a much wider range.

OzImages is by design a generalist library, with quality content from over 400 photographers, many of them specialists in their own fields. So we're able to offer a high quality selection from a wide range of subjects, styles and themes.

We have photographers based in over 50 countries, which makes us a reliable source for current travel and tourism material, and our photographer search option allows news buyers to locate a 'local' photographer to cover breaking stories in remote locations.

At a time when most stock libraries are doing their best to automate people right out of the photo research process altogether, OzImages provides real person contact, creative to creative, to help you find the images you need quickly and easily.