
The Pets for Vets program is dedicated to providing a second chance for shelter pets by rescuing, training and pairing them with America’s veterans who can benefit from a companion animal.

3 to 4 million dogs and cats are euthanized each year. These dogs can make excellent companion animals but never have that chance.

Sadly, there are alarming statistics of suicide, family abuse and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder facing veterans returning to civilian life after military duty. This can cause a downward spiral of apathy, unemployment, broken relationships, addiction and depression. It is our belief that companion animals can be the life saving therapy or friend that many returning service men and women need.

Medical studies have shown that companion animals significantly improve mental and physical health, including reducing stress, depression and anxiety, symptoms experienced by many serving in the military.

Pets for Vets believes that companion animals can be a life saving therapy that many U.S servicemen and women need.

The Pets for Vets team interviews each veteran to ascertain exactly what he or she is looking for in a companion animal; we pair this with his or her personality and lifestyle to make the perfect pet/veteran match. Once the perfect pet is selected for the veteran, he then spends time in the home of our trainer who teaches him basic obedience and other valuable behaviors needed to live with his new owner. This can include becoming comfortable with wheel chairs or behaviors needed to help with PTSD and TBI. All training is positive reinforcement, reward based training.

Your support helps us match a rescued companion dog (or pet) with an American veteran who would benefit from having a companion. In accomplishing this mission, we do not want to create an additional burden on the veteran; with each dog/veteran match we provide all of the necessary equipment for them to start their new life together. In addition, the pet will be healthy and up to date on all vaccinations. Your donation helps to ensure they have everything they need.


Facebook: www.facebook.com/petsforvetsnycli
Chapter Co-Director's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009097458806&fref=photo
Twitter: www.twitter.com/Pets4VetsNYCLI
Vine: www.vine.co/PetsforVetsNYCLI
Website: www.petsforvets.com/nycli-ny/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/petsforvetsnycli
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/petsforvetsnycli
Vimeo: www.vimeo.com/petsforvetsnycli
Press Conference for Our Dog Bella and Her Veteran: http://newyork.cbslocal.com/video/11472684-unique-approach-to-healing-for-animals-and-veterans/#