
In today's world, much of modern medicine uses prescription drugs to deal with health issues.  Arguments abound as to whether or not we have become too dependent on such drugs, and whether these drugs and their potential side-effects do more harm than good.

In 2007, Pharma Defense LLC was founded by people who recognized the need to address these concerns, rather than debate them.  We realize the majority of people take the prescription drugs their doctors recommend rather than risk further illness, and then just hope the daunting list of side-effects most of those drugs warn about won't happen to them.

We believe that through the use of carefully formulated, all-natural supplements, it is possible to offset the nutrient deficiencies that prescription drugs can cause.  This would then allow those medications to do their job without creating additional health issues.  

In collaboration with doctors, pharmacologists, and researchers, the team at Pharma Defense is developing a line of these supplements to help deal with the nutrient deficiencies that some of the more common prescription drugs can cause, which then result in so many of the problematic side-effects.  The issues we are addressing include concerns with statin (cholesterol) drugs, medications for acid reflux, hypertension drugs, and diabetic medications.