
PictoCV is a new company that creates infographic resumes which are the wave of the future for job seekers and recruiters. A visual resume beautifully outlines a job seekers experience, education, goals and talents in unforgettable, easy to read eye catching graphics.

A resume is a personal marketing tool. How well does your current resume display your education, experience, talents and goals? How well are you marketing yourself to potential employers?

A resume is a personal marketing tool. How well does your current resume display your education, experience, talents and goals? How well are you marketing yourself to potential employers? Your resume is your first impression. Potential employers use it to short list candidates for the interview process. While a PictoCV can’t interview for you, a well formatted, interactive, visual resume can help get your foot in the door. The rest is up to you!

In this area, Infographic style resume will become more dominant in future. Apart from storing and presenting information on web-based systems, the demand now is to go above and beyond to show portfolio of work in the form of a visual resume.

These visual compositions will work as a very good supporting exhibit for a conventional text based resume. Using this new concept, individuals can easily narrate their story on what I am really good at, what I love to do, what is important for me, where do I really want to be. In other words, visual resume can depict passions, values and talents and individual goals in a very easy to understand and very effective formant.

Value Proposition:

Demonstrate creativity, individuality and innovation. You can be more creative than ever before while delivering pertinent information in an exciting new way
Depict a clear idea of your unique "promise of value"
Develop a personal branding
Convey who you are, what you have to offer, and what distinguishes you from the competition. Communicate that you are a unique individual
Increase visibility; social network presence is becoming a critical aspect of the job search