
Sandra Betzina’s Power Sewing TV is an educational website with online sewing classes and books which teach ready-to-wear and couture sewing techniques for beginning and advanced sewers.

About Sandra Betzina
Sandra Betzina is a highly regarded author and instructor in the creative sewing field. She is the author of twelve sewing books, the majority published with Taunton Press. Her latest books – Power Sewing Toolbox Volume One and Two – outline tips and techniques not found in pattern instructions.

Sandra designs patterns for the Vogue Pattern Company using a system she engineered called 'Today's Fit' – multi-sized with a range from 32 to 55 inch bust. She is the only sewing expert with her own tab in the Vogue pattern books.

Sandra Betzina hosted the popular Sew Perfect television show on HGTV for six years and now co-hosts a web-tv show called Power Sewing – an instructional and entertaining garment sewing show available on demand by subscription.

The sewing retreats that are hosted by Sandra Betzina all around the country are sellout events that attract repeat participants year and year again.