
Predictive Mind is an omnimedia organization dedicated to expanding the concept of using the mind to predict our future behaviors. Based on research undertaken by Bill Townsend and Beryl Huang, PsyD, Predictive Mind's activities are rooted in Predictive Mental Programming, a training method to modify behavior, emotional content, and attitudes that was an offshoot from studies in successful executive behavior.

Predictive Mental Programming is based on years of studying the habits of successful business leaders, sports figures, celebrities, and everyday people who've not only reached, but exceeded, their goals. It is both a revolutionary and evolutionary process that takes the mystery out of self-actualization so anyone can develop the positive mental tendencies needed to succeed.

With Predictive Mental Programming you learn to get what you put your energy and focus on, whether wanted or unwanted. Therefore you learn to focus your mind on the pathway that leads to the goals you want to achieve.

Over the past 50 years, scientists, psychologists, and psychiatrists have witnessed a rapid convergence between theoretical biology (explaining the world through mathematical or computational models), neuronal modeling (determining how neurons work in brain and mind function), functional brain imaging (to understand how the brain works and changes), hypnotherapy (also known as a hypnotic induction, which is commonly composed of a series of preliminary instructions and suggestions designed to help someone change a behavior) and cognitive science (the study of the nature of intelligence) in an unparalleled examination of the relationship between the mechanisms of the brain and the workings of the mind. These lines of research have generated a number of path-breaking empirical examinations of the workings of the brain in various cognitive, attentional and emotional states.

Predictive Coding, a central part of Predictive Mental Programming, constitutes the fundamental functional and cognitive principle for the brain. Predictive coding is the idea that the representation of the environment requires that brain actively predicts what its sensory input will be, rather than just passively registering it. In layman’s terms, the mind predicts how it will react to a stimulant (for example, sight, smell, situation, emotion, etc.) instead of accepting it for what it is.  Predictive coding promises a synthesis across a number of different research fields ranging from biology and computational neuroscience to physiology, psychology, philosophy, hypnotherapy, and anthropology.

Predictive Mind operates a website at http://www.interminds.com that is host to Bill Townsend's new book, Yes You Can ! How to Be a Success no Matter Who You Are or Where You're From. It also operates a Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/yesyoucanbook.