
Printware's CtP systems help printers automate and streamline daily press operations.

PlateStream Polyester CtP
Direct from the manufacturer and proven in thousands of installations, the Printware PlateStream digital platesetting system is simple, compact and fully integrated. With its Color+™ registration system, an integrated plate processor, our scan-to-plate capability and professional PDF workflow, the PlateStream SC Color+™ is the perfect way to increase productivity and profits. Driven by Xitron Navigator workflow, going digital has never been so easy.

SilverStream Color+™ Polyester Plate Material
SilverStream Color+™, the latest technology in polyester plates, allows much tighter register work that rivals metal plate performance at a significantly lower cost. Printware offers SilverStream polyester plate material for use with virutally any polyester CtP system on the market including those from Agfa, ECRM, Fuji, Heidelberg, PrePRESS and Screen.

SilverStream Color+™ is a critical component of the Printware Color+SM system that also include:

•PlateStream Color+™, an improved polyester CtP platesetter with stricter imaging tolerances
•Xitron Navigator GPS with the latest workflow tools to optimize production
•The industry leading 24/7 telephone onsite technical support focused on the short run color market.