
Home of Ready In 10 and Get Your Stuff Together.   We give tips & resources on safeguarding your home + the people & things you love from life's little and not so little emergencies.

“Ready In 10” teaches people who are totally unprepared for a disaster, how to be able to grab everything they need -- necessities, keepsakes, vital information -- and evacuate in less than ten minutes.  

Then once the disaster is over, they'll be able to get back to living their normal lives, as quickly and easily as possible, even if they're completely disorganized and have never been through a real emergency.  

“Get Your Stuff Together” takes the knowledge readers gained in our book “Ready In 10”, and kicks it up a notch, with simple steps that families can take right now, to make specific types of items safe and secure.  Whether the danger comes from large scale natural disasters or a simple computer meltdown, readers will learn how to keep everything that’s important to them, safe, sound and accessible.  

Each section highlights a different area, ranging from family photos, vital documents and music, to videos, computer files and preparing their home for disasters.  In the new book, readers will learn how to keep from losing the things that make their life, their life.