
The Relate and Relate To Teens ebook series were created as a way to help both teens and parents through common teenage issues. As previous publishers of Relate Magazine (for teen girls) for 5 years, we touched on a variety of topics that teens experience, but we were not helping the parents who make such a tremendous impact on the lives of their teens. In an effort to truly help Christian families with teen girls, we began our new ebook series in 2010.

There are two versions of our ebooks, designed for the teen and the parent individually, but also in a format that makes them perfect to be used together either in the home or group setting. The teen version is presented in a magazine-like format with photos, facts, statistics and quotes scattered throughout along with stories submitted by teens and most importantly, many pages for interactive exercises. The material is presented in a way that make it easy, interesting and fun for teens to read about a serious topic.

The parent version is presented in a book format with the information broken down into the same sections as the teen version. It shows you what exercises are in the teen version and provides suggestions for ways to talk through these exercises with your teen. It informs you on what your teen is experiencing and the struggles she faces along with tips and ideas for how to parent her through them.

We offer two online communities and resources that parents and teens can turn to on a regular basis for articles, tips and just positive entertainment. For Christian parents, www.ChristianTeenParenting.com is a web site that was developed for those who are either struggling with raising their teen daughters, or who are simply looking for a resource to learn more about how to relate to them. We provide insight to what teen girls are really going through every day and a glimpse as to what emotions and thoughts they have and how parents can work through common teen issues.

For Christian teens, www.RelateMag.com is an online resource for teen girls that is dedicated to encourage, motivate, inspire…committed to bring teens to a higher level of self-esteem and focusing on real teens that are making a difference in the world. It provides tons of articles and activities related to teen issues and interests. We cover a wide variety of topics from fashion and beauty, to school and career advice, to movie and music reviews, to volunteer and bios and encouraging tips. Parents can be confident sending their teens to this web site, knowing that it is values-conscious and safe.

It is our goal to help bridge the gap of communication between parents and their teen daughters so that the family can be close and healthy. We know that it can be hard to raise girls with a Christian worldview in today’s society. Our approach considers the reality of what teens face and God’s word as it relates to these difficult situations.