
Rewind Background Checking Services focuses on retrieving comprehensive background information for use in employment screening, in addition to volunteer services. Rewind offers criminal and civil background reports, driving records, previous employment and education verification, professional license verification, and drug screening services.

Rewind’s background checking services allow the employer to create an efficient employment screening process tailored to the specific employment context. Using a secure internet interface, employers can order screening services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A limited number of reports are made available virtually immediately. Other orders are routed to appropriate personnel in a vast network of researchers throughout the nation and results are made available in a safe and timely manner.

Rewind strives to assist employers in the hiring process by providing accurate, reliable information on the backgrounds of potential employment candidates and caters its research efforts to the unique needs of each client by offering a variety of research options tailored to the requirements of the employment position.