
RLS Ventures is the media umbrella for Rich Samuels, Emmy-winning non-fiction producer and editor, and the author of “My Life at the Bottom of the Food Chain,” and "Own the Scrawny," middle grade novels available g in ebook and paperback.  His work has earned three Emmy Awards and recognition at film festivals and competitions worldwide.   He’s also a social media enthusiast, and writes about the relationship between traditional and newer media platforms at http:://worldaccordingtorich.blogspot.com .

From 2006-2010, Rich served as Director of Production for FreshiFilms LLC, providing guidance and production expertise in the development of commercial, promotional and instructional media for teens, including the DVD series,  “Freshi Reel: How to Make Movies,” and a selection across the new media spectrum, including webinars, distance learning, podcasts and video-on-demand.