
Stepdadding.com is the original information & inspiration resource site for Stepdads.
The site was launched by S. James Wheeler as a way to share his research results related to step parenting.

As a family dynamics researcher, Wheeler had the goal to find “…the solution to the blended family challenge.” Wheeler was initially inspired by by personal needs. After years of struggling to make his own marriage work he found that he didn't completely understand why he and his wife were still struggling. Wheeler became a father of three the day he married his wife. The marriage went through several rough years as he and his wife adjusted to the challenging dynamics you get when you blend two families. Identifying these dynamics allowed him to save his marriage. He quickly realized that millions of other families were affected by these same challenges. He also realized that -because of these dynamics- each stepdad is at a disadvantage from the day he starts.

While researching he’d discovered that the vast majority of blended family marriages fail. Now he knew why and he knew he needed to share what he’d discovered. Using his accumulated research and knowledge of the subject, Wheeler founded Stepdadding.com. The site quickly became a destination for Stepdads around the globe: Delivering Information and Inspiration to Stepdad’s around world.

The Mission Statement of Stepdadding.com"
The Mission of StepDadding.com is to help blended families achieve greater success by providing research, resource and ideas for step dads everywhere.