
Smoke Alarm Media is named for a series of unfortunate culinary accidents at an unnamed fire department in the Pacific Northwest.  One of the founders was an active firefighter.  Having been trained as a chef, he found himself in the position of cooking frequently at the fire station.  

Alas, his culinary skills were somewhat lacking in using the broiler and smoke would soon fill the kitchen and station.  The incidents became so frequent that the 911 dispatch would call the station and ask if "Chef Smoke Alarm" would kindly refrain from cooking on his shift.  Thus Smoke Alarm Media was born.

Smoke Alarm Media is the publisher of the Signature Tastes cookbook series, that focuses on local and regional recipes from the signature eateries and notable citizens of a given area.  Currently there are books in process for all 50 U.S. states as well as many cities and international locations.  Furthermore, Smoke Alarm Media has several additional series in production such as Sublime Nectar, 365+ Things To Do, and College Culinary series.