
Why SouthDakotaCoupon.com?
Flexibility….With the All Options you can change your Offers/Announcements as often as you like. You are in Control. Business Info Page….Can contain Maps, Business Bio, Offers/announcements, Videos, Pictures, Music and More. Local….the Site allows local Businesses to target consumers in the Areas they do business AND we let Consumers Search for businesses by Industry, Region or Town. Offers…Discounts—make it a good one. Announcements—let people know you have a new product or are getting rid of an old one….or just to drive traffic in when the day is slow. A last minute happy hour announcement? Videos...Free uploads. Google Maps….Free with all Options as long as you use an address…Make it easy for the consumer to find you. Floating Logos....Additional brand awareness available with Ad-badges, Featured Offer Logo and Rotating Banners at the top of each page. Descriptive URL....The search is SouthDakotaCoupons---the site is SouthDakotaCoupon.com. Soon to be a Destination site. Analytics….Each Advertiser is able to keep Track of results with Page and Offer Views counted and available FREE. Attract New Consumers….Make an Offer a new Consumer can not resist. Protect Current Client Base….With increased Competition in the Marketplace give your Current Customer an Incentive to keep coming back. Locally Owned and Operated….The $$$ you Spend Stays in the Local Economy. Marketing….Facebook, Twitter, Signs, Neighborhood Newspapers. Site Affiliations and Really Great Word of Mouth. Gift Certificates….One more way to Attract Consumers. Event Calendar….Let your Consumers know what’s happening. Redeemable….Offers can be redeemed by Mention. Print. Mobile Phone.