
Decades of evidence-based research and numerous criminal cases have shown a direct link between animal abuse, and the use of animals, to facilitate violent crimes. In crimes such as intimate partner violence, elder abuse, human trafficking, and child abuse, animals are often used to coerce, intimidate, and/or control victims. In cases of organized crime and gang violence, animals are exploited/abused to fund illegal enterprises (animal fighting), recruit young members, and to sell or trade drugs or weapons. There is even a link between terrorism and animal abuse whereby explosives are tested on animals.

Violence Link Consulting is providing front line service agencies with training that focuses on the link between human and animal abuse. When front line service professionals are properly trained on how to identify these linkages early on and how to implement intervention strategies, it can prevent victimization, improve community safety, and literally save lives.

Information at conferences is great, but true training must include education, intervention, and prevention. Violence Link Consulting provides training that will enable recipients to apply it in their daily work.  The linkage is so strong, so predictable, that it is imperative to equip law enforcement, victim service providers, and animal welfare professionals with the knowledge and tools needed to help identify and act on these intervention options as early as possible.

Violence Link Consulting provides training and consulting services on violence link to enforcement agencies (police and municipal), victim services, animal welfare investigators, Veterinarians, Veterinary Technicians, provincial and federal governments, and educational institutions.