
"You can't change with what life deals you BUT you can change how you deal with life."

Tamara Elizabeth

Women in transition who are ready to put themselves on the front burner to live the lives they truly crave rely upon the coaching talent, support, and encouragement of Self Love Coach Tamara Elizabeth to get the mission accomplished at long last.  Tamara is the guidepost to show you a better tomorrow.

Women who benefit most from Tamara's fabulous gifts are women who have asked themselves these questions:

*Why is this happening to me?
*Am I to blame?
*Will I survive and make it on my own?
*Where do I go from here?
*Who am I – really?

Tamara Elizabeth is the author of the book, Fabulously Fifty and Reflecting It! -- Discovering My Loveable Me.  This book is a collection of essays divided in Past, Present and Future sections based on her real life journey and her reflections of her growth during her life. Each essay provides a reflective question so that her reader may grow at a faster level than she did. With this tool she helps her reader travel their own path as she has paved the way for them. By creating this workbook type concept she encourages women to start journaling. By journaling, a person will grow faster on their journey of growth and reap the rewards of the foundations laid in each essay of reflection.

Tamara Elizabeth is a Master Motivator for women in transition. She empowers women to look into the mirror and discover their true reflection. Tamara is also a radio talk show host with her show called "Talk to Tamara Today". This radio show  caters to the woman in transition who has jumped back into the ring after licking her wounds. This show is all about “HER” journey through her transition as it has affected her. Her time on Talk to Tamara Today, will give her the opportunity to embrace and celebrate all her accomplishments in becoming the fabulously lovable, authentic self she is today. This is her moment to shine and to reach others who have travelled her path. It is a chance to let other women listening know that you can’t change what life deals you BUT you can change how you deal with life.
Clients engage with Tamara Elizabeth in a variety of ways that suit their readiness to take action to live more fabulously lovable lives now.  Whether they benefit from her book as a new and constant companion, engage with her privately in one-on-one coaching sessions, or join one of her group coaching programs.

The cornerstones of all of Tamara's work center around the four E's of Empowerment:

Enthusiasm Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm. It moves stones. Enthusiasm is the genius of sincerity, and truth accomplishes no victories without it.
Excitement The feeling that I am part of a universe that matters. That my little part is big enough to make a difference.. An emotion experienced in between extended periods of complete and utter disappointment.
Expectancy. The feeling you feel when you feel you're going to feel a feeling you've never felt before.
Ecstasy is the state of being beside one's self or in rapturous delight; a state in which the mind is elevated above the reach of ordinary impressions, as when under the influence of overpowering emotion.

And a bonus “E”  - Exhilaration - The act of enlivening the spirits; of making glad or cheerful; a gladdening; the state of being enlivened or cheerful. An exclamation reflecting a high degree of success, joy or pride.
If you would like to see how Tamara can help you with her expertise, you are welcome to schedule a an exploratory session with her .

If you would like Tamara to provide expert commentary or talk at your event, please contact her @

Tel: 866.667.0589
Fax: 888.600.7941