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Newsroom Press releases

1 - 5 of 5 Press Releases

Jun 20, 2012
[After} "...all but voiding our borders, Mr. Obama now makes the outrageous Nixonian claim of "Executive Privilege" in an effort to prevent the details of his running of guns to the Mexican drug cartels from seeing the light of day."

Mar 21, 2012
Controversial former Tea Party leader says that if Romney is the nominee he will have Tea Party Support "The number one priority is getting rid of Barack Obama." "We are in a battle for the Nation's soul." Blasts moderates as "useless."

Sep 06, 2011
Citing Terror Task Force arrest of one assailant and police arrest of a second - a Teamster - former Tea Party Express Chairman makes this one official. Files Terrorism complaint with FBI against Teamster President James Hoffa Jr.

Aug 01, 2011
Tea Party Leader: House Speaker John Boehner a "rapist", a GOP "rescue" of Obama's presidency

Jul 22, 2011
Past Tea Party Express chairman Mark Williams says the debt ceiling deadlock in Washington is a creation of the Tea Party and he is "very, very proud" of his contribution RSS Feed