
The Concord Review is the only quarterly journal in the world to publish the exemplary History essays of high school students. Founded in March 1987, over thirty years we have published more than 1,200 research papers (average 6,000 words, with endnotes and bibliography) from authors in forty-six states and thirty-eight other countries.

Many of our authors have sent reprints of their papers with their college application materials. Forty percent of Concord Review authors have gone on to highly selective colleges including Brown, Caltech, Cambridge, Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, MIT, Oxford, Pennsylvania, Princeton, Stanford, Yale, and a number of other fine institutions, including Amherst, Berkeley, Bryn Mawr,  McGill, Middlebury, Reed, Smith, Trinity, Tufts, Virginia, Wellesley, Wesleyan, and Williams.

We have sent such exemplary History essays to our subscribers (students, teachers, librarians, and anyone interested in History) in forty-two states and thirty-eight other countries and teacher use these essays in the classroom as examples of good historical writing.

Our website, at http://www.tcr.org has more information. Here high school teachers and history students around the world can subscribe to the journal, submit their essays for consideration, register for our Summer Program, and get assistance with their writing and research through our Academic Coaching Service.