
The Virginians of Maryland, Inc. is a social and fraternal organization formed in 1927. In their early statements of their beliefs, the founders of our organization noted:
“The Virginians of Maryland cherish with grateful affection the memory of the men and women who have made the name Virginian an honorable heritage. For ourselves and for those who may come after us, we will humbly seek inspiration from the characteristic ideals of the people of our mother State and from those illustrious names which still shed light upon the pathway of men.”

Virginia’s past is the beginning of the nation’s history and heritage.  From the first permanent English settlement in Jamestown in 1607 through the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, Virginia was where the nation originated, where it prospered and where many of our nation’s conflicts were resolved.

Virginia is the birthplace of eight US presidents and many famous statesmen, noted scientists, influential educators, distinguished writers, and popular entertainers.  We welcome all visitors, historians and any other interested party to learn more about our Society our beliefs and our long-standing traditions.