
UKFilmLocation.com is a growing British company established in 2005.

Our business has a location database of over 700 diverse locations across the UK and Europ - from Castles to Trains, Retail Units to Warehouses, Apartments and Houses, and everything inbetween.

We work with established and emerging media professionals, sourcing locations for events, TV/Film and promotional activities.

Notable Projects

- Locations for Artists/Bands including: Tulisa, Don Borco, Tinchie Stryder, Roll Deep and many more top Artists

- Locations for Photographic Studios such as Alison Jackson

- Locations for Events - Carling Zest Product Launch (Nov '12)

- Locations for TV - Documentaries, Drama's, Cookery shows etc (Endermol, TrueNorth Productions, BBC, ITV etc)