
Unexplored Lives is a compilation of 9 stories that reflect the varied lives of ordinary people under extraordinary circumstances. These situations may initially seem familiar, but life can be complicated. As you discover the tales within this book, be prepared to cringe, smile, and frown as a world of individuals whose uncommon experiences are uncovered.

John K. Briscoe has a B.A. in Philosophy from Brown University and a Master’s of Science for Teachers from Le Moyne College. He has lived in Boston, Syracuse, Albany, San Francisco, London, and Dutchess County, New York. As an avid movie goer, he enjoys seeing how plots develop and twist back onto themselves. Regardless of genre, if a movie (or film) is considered good, he will gladly view it. It is this interest in various types of perspectives that influenced this book of stories that study the human psyche under stressful conditions. He believes that dealing with life’s uncertainties is something for which we can rarely prepare, but ultimately reveals who we truly are. In his spare time, he goes to the gym, travels, watches lots of movies, plays video games with his nephew, and spoils his cat.