
We are a small but powerful communications and media relations company. Our job is to get your message out in clear and easy to understand ways to the people that need to hear it, and to get results with that message.

We are experienced public affairs experts, savvy marketers, knowledgeable media trainers, splashy event planners and skillful writers.  We can prep you for the podium, plan your party, prepare your publications, put your picture on the plasma or parse your company profile.  

How many people do you know who could alliterate like that?

We have an ocean of experience in public relations. Most of us are Navy veterans in the public affairs field (the woman who leads our company is a disabled veteran herself) or former journalists with award-winning investigative backgrounds.  We’re glad you’re here. Now that we know each other, we’re ready to help you present your absolute best face to the world, and get results.  Check out all of the expertise we provide over to the right.

We are Vox Optima. Nice to meet you. Now let’s get to work