
Warren Martin became a Best Selling Author in 2012 with the book The Wellness Code.  (Side note: all proceeds go to CHARITY)!  His writings cover the misconceptions in nutrition and the different types of exercise.  He has also been featured in 4 other books focusing on Women's Fitness (Butt Development, Chest Development, Stomach Flatten, and Natal Fitness).  Warren has also been featured on topics in Child Obesity, Myths in Fitness, Bridal Fitness, and more.  His mission is to help the public understand why eventhough so many more people are exercising and dieting, why are more becoming over weight or obese.  
Warren's must have fitness product is an audio, action plan guide, and book that covers these misconceptions and goes through how to understand them and apply the fix to your world in fitness.  
Warren has appeared in interviews for MMA Inner Circle, pod casts for various fitness businesses, and written articles for publications all over the US.
Warren recently recorded a TV Show with John Spencer Ellis which will be soon seen on affilliates across the nation.  
Warren has worked with Pro International Basketball player, top LPGA player, pro boxer, and MR Arkansas bodybuilder just to name a few.