
Witch School began in 1998 as The Daily Spell, which offered free lessons on Wicca online. It was an email based teaching and soon overwhelmed Rev. Don Lewis, along with his early mentors. On September 4th, 2001 Witch School International was opened, and began offering anyone, anywhere, anytime a magickal education. This mission remains the central focus of Witch School today.

Witch School is your access point to a Wiccan and Pagan based community that offers educational opportunities and sharing at multiple levels. From basic divination and Herbology to ancient  civilizations through Clergy training and beyond, Witch School offers an ability to learn at your level, at your speed and when you have the time. This is one of the most important aspects to our online and interactive system of teaching - the ability to choose the time and pace you want to work at. We have minimum time requirements but we never have a maximum time limit. Even if it takes years to finish your courses, this educational institution will continue to support your studies.

Beyond simply offering classes, Witch School maintains a terrific mentor system for our classes, chat rooms where you can meet other like-minded individuals from across the globe and discussions and forums where you can express and discuss your ideas. Witch School supports a community that is global in nature and local to you as well. The School brings people together to share more than just their studies, but also their interests and advice. Students come together to share and communicate in many ways, including multiple chat rooms, forums, discussions and within over 800 different groups covering the world and a plethora of interests. Every major internet tool is used, and the entire staff and team that operates this vast educational network work constantly to keep it useful and relevant to today’s fast paced world.

To finally reach the most local level, Witch School works with over a hundred different Wiccan Covens, Circles, Temples, Shrines, Tribes, Clans, and other wonderful group structures worldwide.  Witch School International also maintains a close connection to the Correllian Tradition.  These groups sponsor live events, offering in person training that compliments your online education. At the heart of all of this is the desire to help further your education and your exploration of the magickal world. We help people become part of the Pagan community, to the level they desire, from being Solitaire to running your own groups. Witch School supports you at every level of learning.