
WorldboxUSA has been a leader in worldwide shipping and purchase forwarding to more than 220 countries and territories since 1995.  We receive volume discount from UPS, which we in turn pass on to you.  Our rates are always lower than UPS, sometimes as much as 60% lower depends on how frequent you use our service.  

We provide access to US retailers and the growing marketplace of EBay sellers through a network of online services and global transportation systems second to none. We provide the freedom to make purchases from almost any website using your unique Worldboxusa address and Package Management System while saving our clients up to 75% off their shipping charges.

With our buying power with UPS, the world's largest delivery company and as franchise owners of several "The UPS Stores", we can pass to our members huge discounts on their worldwide shipping costs as well as providing them with a safe, secure, professional and simple solutions to cross border shopping and package forwarding.