About |
1-800-COMPANY.com, a subsidiary of Companies Incorporated was established in 1977. In addition to the services listed below, 1-800-COMPANY.com also puts together seminars teaching people how to protect their assets from lawsuits and learn how to form a corporation and build business credit as well.
There is plenty of valuable free information at the www.companiesinc.com and www.1-800-COMPANY.com websites. Also see Offshore Company, www.OffshoreCompany.com for a great deal of free, valuable information about forming an offshore company, offshore banking, offshore trusts, forming your own offshore bank or hedge fund.
1-800-COMPANY.com also recommends people call anytime with any questions about the services listed below, regardless of whether they are ready to purchase the service or not. They are always happy to answer questions about forming a corporation or building business credit. Call toll free: 1-800-COMPANY (1-800-266-7269).
1-800-COMPANY.com Helps People with the Following Services and even provides financing with affordable down and monthly payments as well:
Form a Corporation / LLC's
Build Business Credit / Corporate Credit
Asset Protection from Lawsuits (including privacy protection)
Purchase Aged Companies / Shelf Corporations
Form Offshore Companies
Offshore Banking
Start an Offshore Bank / Hedge Fund
Land Trusts
Misc services (office programs with receptionist, IRS forms, etc.)
Asset Protection Seminars